Communicating Sound

A Multidisciplinary Pre-College Arts Seminar

Summer 2022

Join arts educators Jennifer Chu and Lucie Vágnerová for a series that will empower you to think critically about the performing arts, culture, and society. This workshop, run in the style of a college humanities seminar, features lively discussions and guided writing time. Together with other students, you will develop a collaborative project responding to arts advocacy efforts in a post-pandemic world.

You will learn to:

  • Contextualize the performing arts in a captivating way

  • Communicate with diverse audiences

  • Engage critically with culture

  • Advocate for the arts

Whether you're planning to become a professional musician/artist/dancer/actor or enjoy performing and making art as a hobby, great writing and communication skills will make you stand out in college and beyond!

Who should join?

High school performers of all stripes, from actors and dancers to musicians. This is a workshop for those who enjoy performing and making art as a hobby, as well as those who plan to go pro.

When and how much?

July 2022


What is the course structure?

This is a two-week online seminar-style workshop co-taught by Jennifer and Lucie, meeting three times a week for two-hour sessions each time.

During each session, expect to engage in lively discussions and debates, with guided writing time in a low pressure, highly interactive, and supportive environment.

To optimize this workshop for a remote learning format, each course is capped at 10 students.